Thursday, May 25, 2006

With Romania’s explosion in home construction, the Furniture & Design Expo provided a great opportunity to glimpse the latest contemporary furniture styles, sleek kitchens, bath accessories, and modern home design wares.

We want to introduce three special artisans we met at the Expo, who shared their passions for glass, paint and mixed media engraving. We look forward to visiting their respective studios and featuring their art in the near future.

Eniko Czirjak is a phenomenal, glass designer whose works have received national recognition. Her work is bold in its approach, yet filled with color and texture subtleties. I am glad to own a beautiful glass necklace crafted by Eniko -

Giotto Doichita is an oil painter specializing in abstracts with a keen eye for classical portraits, landscapes and still lives.

Dacian Selegean is a voluble and highly opinionated artist specializing in laser engraving. He engraves a variety of surfaces with beautiful images – from leather to wood to glass and mixed media. We enjoyed an engaging discussion of politics and economics. --HSR & BGR

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