Sunday, July 23, 2006

The market is a special place in Romania. The smells and sights of fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers, cheeses, breads, and meats endears any American who remembers only the picked-green, impersonal, mega-grocery stores of America.

Watermelons (lubenita). Blueberries (afine). Apricots (caise). Cherries (visine). Tomatoes (rosii). Cucumbers (castraveti). Cabbage (verze).

Every city, village and town has a market. It is a place of commerce. It is a place to observe personalities and communication. It is the heart and the soul of the region.

“Poftim. Poftim.” (Please. Please) When you enter the market, vendors begin “selling” their goods. If you touch their products, almost immediately a bag is produced and you have more than likely committed to taking the items with you. Depending on the quantity, the hour of the day or the relationship, negotiation may even be a part of the transaction.

The market is a reminder food is still natural. It is a reminder of the person who labors the land to produce a quality taste experience for the customer. It is a reality of a day fleeting around the globe in an attempt to standardize processes and boost economies - as we ignore the health of our bodies. – HSR

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