Thursday, October 19, 2006

Yesterday marked the last motorcycle ride in Europe. I rode the bike from Romania to the Budapest Cargo Airport, where the bike was placed on a plane to the US.

The ride was pleasant, if somewhat melancholic. The weather was beautiful, with fall temperatures and a bright sunlight that lifted my mood. On the 200-mile ride, I had time to contemplate the past year, and all the events, places, people and adventures that it provided. Some were happy, others left a bruise, but as I moved across the M5 freeway toward Budapest, the golden light of the autumn sun cast a liberating glow over these moments. With this ride a large chapter was closing. Yet, the same miles lead the way toward a new horizon, a new adventure.

The shipping preparations in Budapest were fairly swift. The good folks at Hunicorn had taken care of all the paperwork (thank you, Mike). All I had to do was ride the bike on the skid and strap it down. Then it was loaded into a van, ready for its ride to the plane.

What a sight... and, ultimately what a ride...

New York City, here I come! -- BGR

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anxiously awaiting your return so I can sit and listen to all the tales of this marvelous adventure. Arrive home safe.

Col Bob